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Monday, September 6, 2021




Our theme this week is a "Freebie"!  This means I get to choose whatever I like and hope you like it too!  So time to rock & roll!!!  Right?!!!  COOL!

We’d like to get more folks on the dance floor. Our party has dwindled & I’m sure that’s largely due to bloggers coming and going in Blogosphere & me with my stupid computer/blog problems, but I’m going to set this challenge to ALL my readers to invite just one friend, I don't care if they just come over and listen to the music, but they have to sign in.  Anyway, tell a friend to come on over and join our party & let’s all have the greatest boogie party ever! Have you asked anyone lately to attend the 4M party? We’d love to fill the dance floor to capacity! If you haven’t done so, then let me challenge you to hook at least one new person to come boogie with the crew. Are you going to let this stupid COVID get us down??? NOOO! NO...…. AM I GOING TO LET THIS STUPID COMPUTER DRIVE ME CRAZY? YESSSSSSSSSSSSS! Sorry, I mean... NO! I have so many wonderful people trying to help me and I thank you all!!! God bless each & every one of you! SO LET'S HAVE SOME FUN!  I'VE BEEN IN BED TO LONG WITH THIS DARN FLU & my back/leg.  Its sucks!  I LOVE YOU ALL SO IT'S TIME TO BOOGIE!  WHAT DO YOU SAY?  THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR PATIENCE, BUT I'M BACK IN FULL FORCE & THANKS TO OUR CATHY! It’ll be a blast! WOO HOO!!!  Now so I'm doing this blog and I haven't been to blogspot like in forever and my first Post for some reason I lost it and I was DONE!  Sooooooo I'm back and nothing is going to stop me. 

LET’S ROCK!!! Gabby Barrett and Luke Byran duet “Most People Are Good” 

 So HOW ABOUT A Little "Linda Rhondstat in "When will I be loved"!  

♥Our Head Conductors on this Musical run is XmasDolly & Cathy of Curious as a Cathy♥ with all her beautiful mewsic & friendship♥ ! My Co-Conductors (& BFF’s/love these gals) let me introduce U ♥:♥Stacy of Stacy Uncorked♥, Co-Conductor (my forever friend! ♥ , & Alana of Ramblin’ with AM, & a sweetie pie for sure! HI GIRLFRIENDS! HUGS to all my ladies DO U WANT 2 B A HONORARY CONDUCTOR & CHOOSE THEMES 4 THE MONTH U PICK, (except for freebie wks.) & comment on all blogs who sign in to our ROCK & ROLL JAM??? Let me know OR my girl Cathy who is always there for me - LOVE YOU GIRLFRIEND, if you’d like 2 give it a WHIRL & we’ll make it happen! Just Email me @ xmasdolly@comcast dot net! This is your decision! No pressure & no waiting in line! It’s up to you! Let me know & YOU shall be given a month to SHINE that U pick except December cuz that’s reserved for SANTA & his Christmas tunes! NOTHING, BUT FUN & ROCK & ROLL, HERE AT XmasDolly’s Monday’s Music Moves Me! Keith Urban & Carrie Underwood - Blue Ain't Your Color & The Fighter - 2017 ACM Awards
APPLAUSE! LET’S get this TRAIN ROCKIN’! We’re eager to greet you at the station & F-O-L-L-O-W U too! Just sign our linky & leave a cool comment & don’t forget to invite your musical friends too to have some musical fun with us! Our “HONORARY CONDUCTOR” gets the PRIVILEGE of pickin’ THEME 4 the entire month! EVERY OTHER WEEK is still a FREEBIE!  


Okay, let's try 

This song is just soooooo sweet, but yet so sad! ENJOY MY FRIENDS - NICE TO SEE YOU AGAIN! You can thank our Cathy gal for helping me out! Not done yet, but soon, and now one more by a very old favorite... 

Thank you again for playin along with us! Nice to see you & don't forget to pass the word... "Dolly is back in town"!

Monday's Music Moves Me

And just one more for good taste & ROCK & ROLL! Gabby Barrett and Luke Byran duet “Most People Are Good” American Idol 2018 Grand Finale SEE YA ALL NEXT WEEK! WOO HOO! HELLO DOLLY... Louis Armstrong & Barbara Streistand COME ON Y'ALL SING ALONG!