Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Sunday, November 28, 2021
We’d like to get more folks on the dance floor. Our party has dwindled & I’m sure that’s largely due to bloggers coming and going in Blogosphere & me with my stupid computer/blog problems, but I’m going to set this challenge to ALL my readers to invite a friend for Christmas & tell a friend to come on over and join our Christmas party & let’s all have the greatest boogie party ever! Have you asked anyone lately to attend the 4M party? We’d love to fill the dance floor to capacity! If you haven’t done so, then let me challenge you to hook at least one new person to come boogie with the crew. LET'S BE MERRY & START A BIG HO HO HO! I LOVE YOU ALL, MERRY CHRISTMAS & THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR PATIENCE! It’ll be a blast! WOO HOO!!!
LET’S ROCK!!! ♥ Head Conductors on this Musical run is XmasDolly & Cathy of Curious as a Cathy♥ with all her beautiful mewsic & friendship♥ My Co-Conductors (& BFF’s/love these gals) let me introduce U ♥:♥Stacy of Stacy Uncorked♥, Co-Conductor (my forever friend! ♥ , & Alana of Ramblin’ with AM, & a sweetie pie for sure! HI GIRLFRIENDS! HUGS to all my ladies & a BIG MERRY CHRISTMAS OF COURSE!!♥, DO U WANT 2 B A HONORARY CONDUCTOR & CHOOSE THEMES 4 THE MONTH U PICK, (except for freebie wks.) & comment on all blogs who sign in to our ROCK & ROLL JAM??? Let me know (OR my girl Cathy who is always there for me) if you’d like 2 give it a WHIRL & we’ll make it happen! Just Email me @ xmasdolly@comcast dot net! This is your decision! No pressure & no waiting in line! It’s up to you! Let me know & YOU shall be given a month to SHINE that U pick except December cuz that’s reserved for SANTA & his Christmas tunes!
NOTHING, BUT FUN & ROCK & ROLL, HERE AT XmasDolly’s Monday’s Music Moves Me!
LET’S get this TRAIN ROCKIN’! We’re eager to greet you at the station & F-O-L-L-O-W U too! Just sign our linky & leave a cool comment & don’t forget to invite your musical friends too to have some musical fun with us! Our “HONORARY CONDUCTOR” gets the PRIVILEGE of pickin’ THEME 4 the entire month! EVERY OTHER WEEK is still a FREEBIE! This week our Honorary Conductor is THE ONE THE ONLY...
So let me see what I can find in my old Christmas stockingn for ya!!! How about a little "Rockin' Around that ol' Christmas Tree"! WOO HOO CHRISTMAS SEASON IS HERE!!! I BEEN WAITIN' ALL YEAR! BWAHAHAHAHA
So the first one of the year "The Little Drummer Boy" featuring David Bowie & Bing Crosby!
Michael Bublé & Bing Crosby - White Christmas
Up next is Andrea Bocelli, Reba McEntire - Blue Christmas
Wednesday, November 24, 2021
THAT'S A WRAP! Hope you enjoyed all. Have a great day!
Monday, November 22, 2021
Monday's Music Moves Me!
We’d like to get more folks on the dance floor. Our party has dwindled & I’m sure that’s largely due to bloggers coming and going in Blogosphere, but I’m going to set this challenge to ALL my readers PLEASE bring a friend & tell a friend to come on over and join our party & let’s all have the greatest boogie party ever! Have you asked anyone lately to attend the 4M party? We’d love to fill the dance floor to capacity! If you haven’t done so, then let me challenge you to hook at least one new person to come boogie with the crew. It’ll be a blast! WOO HOO!!! Also, please let us know when you do bring a friend, and you'll see we'll have a tiny reward for you! Woo Hoo!!! Don't forget - let us know!
Our Head Conductors on this Musical run is XmasDolly & Cathy of Curious as a Cathy♥ with all her beautiful mewsic & friendship♥! My Co-Conductors (& BFF’s/love these gals) let me introduce U ♥:♥Stacy of Stacy Uncorked♥, Co-Conductor (my forever friend! ♥ , & Alana of Ramblin’ with AM, & a sweetie pie for sure! HI GIRLFRIENDS! ♥ DO U WANT 2 B A HONORARY CONDUCTOR & CHOOSE THEMES 4 THE MONTH U PICK, (except for freebie wks.) & comment on all blogs who sign in to our ROCK & ROLL JAM??? Let me know (OR 1 of our Conductors) if you’d like 2 give it a WHIRL! Just Email me @ xmasdolly at comcast dot net! This is your decision! No pressure & no waiting in line! It’s up to you! Let me know & YOU shall be given a month to SHINE that U pick except December cuz that’s reserved for SANTA, and his Christmas tunes! NOTHING, BUT FUN & ROCK & ROLL, HERE AT XmasDolly’s Monday’s Music Moves Me! LET’S get this TRAIN ROCKIN’! We’re eager to greet you at the station & F-O-L-L-O-W U too! Just sign our linky & leave a cool comment & don’t forget to invite your musical friends too to have some musical fun with us! Our “HONORARY CONDUCTOR” gets the PRIVILEGE of pickin’ THEME 4 the entire month! EVERY OTHER WEEK is still a FREEBIE & this week is just that a "FREEBIE", SO LET'S GET STARTED! Woo Hoo!
Monday, November 15, 2021
Our Head Conductors on this Musical run is XmasDolly & Cathy of Curious as a Cathy♥ with all her beautiful mewsic & friendship♥! My Co-Conductors (& BFF’s/love these gals) let me introduce U ♥:♥Stacy of Stacy Uncorked♥, Co-Conductor (my forever friend! ♥ , & Alana of Ramblin’ with AM, & a sweetie pie for sure! HI GIRLFRIENDS! ♥ DO U WANT 2 B A HONORARY CONDUCTOR & CHOOSE THEMES 4 THE MONTH U PICK, (except for freebie wks.) & comment on all blogs who sign in to our ROCK & ROLL JAM??? Let me know (OR 1 of our Conductors) if you’d like 2 give it a WHIRL! Just Email me @ xmasdolly at comcast dot net! This is your decision! No pressure & no waiting in line! It’s up to you! Let me know & YOU shall be given a month to SHINE that U pick except December cuz that’s reserved for SANTA, and his Christmas tunes! NOTHING, BUT FUN & ROCK & ROLL, HERE AT XmasDolly’s Monday’s Music Moves Me!
Being as next month is Christmas I found this story I wanted to share with you all (not to worry we'll living it up in a minute), but I really wanted to share this with you all. "Sick Child dies in Santa's arms"!
So sorry, but wasn't that just the very best. We have just posted Santa's angel. Now I bowed my head to say a prayer for Santa's angel... won't you??? Okay, blow your nose and wipe those eyes and warm up those toes because it's time to boogie! Woo Hoo!!! Up next is a song by Lisa Marie Presley Elvis... "Don't Cry Daddy"! (Okay, I fibbed a bit if you're an Elvis fan), but one more song, I promise...
Okay, time to boogie! Wooooooooooooo Hoooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Next up is "Sugar Pie Honey Bunch" by the Four Tops! Just a little ditty I use to boogie to in high school!
Friday, November 12, 2021
Feline Friday is simple to join. All you have to do is:
Post a picture, drawing, cartoon or video of a cat (They may be silly or cute).
Make sure you leave a link to your post and I’ll visit your Feline Friday post.
What better way to start the weekend than with a feline!
Friendly Fill-ins
Each Thursday Ellen of 15 and Meowing and Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs, provide Friendly Fill-in questions. Ellen came up with the first two questions and Lorianne came up with the last two questions.If you need help, please let either Ellen or Lorianne know.
Here are this weeks questions:
1. I have a __________ on my ___________________.
2. I wish I could speak fluent __________________.
3. I wonder what would happen if _________.
4. If I want _________, I’m going to have to _________.
Here are my answers:
1. I have a CANE on my bucket list to burn. Can't wait to get rid of the bugger & walk on my own!
2. I wish I could speak fluent Italian so I can speak to some of my family in Sicily.
3. I wonder what would happen if everyone could just be on the same page and shake hands around the world.
4. If I want something, I’m going to have to do it myself!
Come here all my babies and give me a hug!!!Sign in so I know you were here and I can come and see you! HAVE A GREAT DAY!
Wednesday, November 10, 2021
Monday, November 8, 2021

HEY EVERYBODY... YEAH, I'M TALKIN' TO YOU... WHO LIKES TO BOOGIE??? We’d like to get more folks on the dance floor, AND I'M READY TO MOVE MY BODY! HOW ABOUT YOU? Not only is it fun, but it's good for you! Come on a little exercise never hurt anyone, right? Our party has dwindled I’m sure that’s largely due to bloggers coming and going in Blogosphere, but I’m going to set this challenge to ALL my readers yes, our members too! PLEASE bring a friend tell a friend to come on over and join our party let’s all have the greatest boogie party ever! Have you asked anyone lately to attend the 4M party? We’d love to fill the dance floor to capacity! If you haven’t done so, then let me challenge you to hook to at least have one new person to come boogie with the crew. It’ll be a blast. I'm so sure of it! WOO HOO!!! SOoooooooooooo LET’S ROCK!!!
Our Head Conductor this Musical run is XmasDolly & Cathy of Curious as a Cathy ♥ with all her beautiful mewsic & friendship♥. My Co-Conductors (& BFF’s/love these gals) let me introduce U ♥:♥Stacy of Stacy Uncorked♥,Co-Conductor (my forever friend! ♥, & Alana of Ramblin’ with AM, & a sweetie pie for sure! HI GIRLFRIENDS!♥
Today’s theme is "November born musicians, singers, & songwriters". Have fun with it. I know I did! Woo Hoo!
DO U WANT 2 B A HONORARY CONDUCTOR & CHOOSE THEMES 4 THE MONTH U PICK, (except for freebie wks.) & comment on all blogs who sign in to our ROCK & ROLL JAM??? Let me know (OR 1 of our Conductors) if you’d like 2 give it a WHIRL! Just Email me @ xmasdolly at comcast dot net! This is your decision! No pressure & no waiting in line! It’s up to you! Let me know & YOU shall be given a month to SHINE that U pick except December cuz that’s reserved for SANTA, and his Christmas tunes! NOTHING, BUT FUN & ROCK & ROLL, HERE AT XmasDolly’s Monday’s Music Moves Me!
Each month we have a guest conductor. Mr. Driller from Driller's Place and is our honorary Co-Conductor and he's chosen(something I snatched from a fellow conductor), "we once more welcome Driller from Driller's Place. Driller's theme for today is "In a couple of weeks I'll be celebrating my Diamond Jubilee (75th birthday). In honor of that occasion, build a playlist of artists born in November."SOOOOO LET’S DANCE! APPLAUSE! LET'S get this TRAIN ROCKIN'! We're eager to greet you at the station and F-O-L-L-O-W U too! Just sign our linky and leave a cool comment and don't forget to invite your musical friends too to have some musical fun with us!
Our 'HONORARY CONDUCTOR' gets the PRIVILEGE of pickin' THEME 4 the entire month! EVERY OTHER WEEK is still a freebie, but today is A Playlist of Artists born in November! Soooooooo let's see.... hmmmmmmmmm... HOW ABOUT hmmmmmmm oHHH YES, one of my most very very favorites and such talent, "Bonnie Raitt" Born the same year as me, but born in November. So hmmm a great tune from her is, "I can't make you love me... if you won't"! Excuse me while I sit here and swoon. It's so heartfelt and I LOVE IT!!!!
Rickie Lee Jones Chuck E's In Love by Rickie Lee Jones!
and then we have a favorite...
Mr. Joe Walsh born November 20, 1943 and a favorite song of his is "Life's been good"! So how about that. Some of my favorite people too! Have a great day my friends. Please check in below!
Friday, November 5, 2021
Feline Friday
Friendly Fill-ins
Each Thursday Ellen of 15andmeowing and Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs, provide Friendly Fill-in questions.
Ellen came up with the first two questions and Lorianne came up with the last two questions.
If you need help, please let either Ellen or Lorianne know.
Here are this weeks questions:
1. Something I lost, and was never able to find was __________.
2. When ______________, I want to _______________.
3. _________ doesn’t bother me.
4. I don’t handle _________ very well.
Here are my answers:
1. Something I lost, and was never able to find is my sanity when I'm waiting for a doctor visit and it goes past my time. I start to pace, and if its really long it gets ugly.
2. When I crochet and I drop or stitch or the yarn breaks, I want to just scream instead it's a big load grunt.
3. When my kids were little they would break something and it never really bothered me. They'd cry and I explained how broken things are made to mend. If thing didn't get broke how would I mend them, so it didn't really bother me. That always worked with my children's tears.
4. I don’t handle traffic very well especially when I was working. Our highways were bumper to bumper during rush hour going to Chicago downtown, so that's when I decided to take a train because me yelling like a truck driver just didn't make it.
Tuesday, November 2, 2021
Monday, November 1, 2021
Dolly's HALLOWEEN Monday's Music Moves Me!
HAPPY HALLOWEEN Monday's Music Moves Me style! Why Do We Celebrate Halloween on October 31?
Halloween falls on October 31 because the ancient Gaelic festival of Samhain, considered the earliest known root of Halloween, occurred on this day. It marked a pivotal time of year when seasons changed, but more importantly, observers also believed the boundary between this world and the next became especially thin at this time, enabling them to connect with the dead. This belief is shared by some other cultures; a similar idea is mentioned around the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur, which also typically occurs in October and involves saying prayers for the dead. This is also where Halloween gains its "haunted" connotations.
The History of Halloween Activities
The early pagan holiday of Samhain involved a lot of ritualistic ceremonies to connect to spirits, as the Celts were polytheistic. While there isn't a lot of detail known about these celebrations, many believe the Celts celebrated in costume (granted, they were likely as simple as animal hides) as a disguise against ghosts, enjoyed special feasts, and made lanterns by hollowing out gourds (hence, the history of jack-o'-lanterns). Over time, as Christianity took over and the pagan undertones of the holiday were lessened, the basic traditions of the holiday remained a part of pop culture every year; they simply evolved and modernized.
The mystical rituals of earlier times evolved into more lighthearted fun and games. For example, the somewhat heavy concept of connecting to the dead was replaced with the more lighthearted idea of telling the future. Bobbing for apples, for example, became popular as a fortune-telling game on All Hallows' Eve: Apples would be selected to represent all of a woman's suitors, and the guy—er, apple—she ended up biting into would supposedly represent her future husband. In fact, Halloween previously posed a huge (albeit rather superstitious) matchmaking opportunity for young women in the 19th century.
An oldie, but a goodie. This next one is just too cool to pass up!