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Monday, November 22, 2021

Monday's Music Moves Me!


We’d like to get more folks on the dance floor. Our party has dwindled & I’m sure that’s largely due to bloggers coming and going in Blogosphere, but I’m going to set this challenge to ALL my readers PLEASE bring a friend & tell a friend to come on over and join our party & let’s all have the greatest boogie party ever! Have you asked anyone lately to attend the 4M party? We’d love to fill the dance floor to capacity! If you haven’t done so, then let me challenge you to hook at least one new person to come boogie with the crew. It’ll be a blast! WOO HOO!!! Also, please let us know when you do bring a friend, and you'll see we'll have a tiny reward for you! Woo Hoo!!! Don't forget - let us know!

Our Head Conductors on this Musical run is XmasDolly & Cathy of Curious as a Cathy♥ with all her beautiful mewsic & friendship♥! My Co-Conductors (& BFF’s/love these gals) let me introduce U ♥:♥Stacy of Stacy Uncorked♥, Co-Conductor (my forever friend! ♥ , & Alana of Ramblin’ with AM, & a sweetie pie for sure! HI GIRLFRIENDS! ♥ DO U WANT 2 B A HONORARY CONDUCTOR & CHOOSE THEMES 4 THE MONTH U PICK, (except for freebie wks.) & comment on all blogs who sign in to our ROCK & ROLL JAM???  Let me know (OR 1 of our Conductors) if you’d like 2 give it a WHIRL! Just Email me @ xmasdolly at comcast dot net!  This is your decision!  No pressure & no waiting in line!  It’s up to you!  Let me know & YOU shall be given a month to SHINE that U pick except December cuz that’s reserved for SANTA, and his Christmas tunes! NOTHING, BUT FUN & ROCK & ROLL, HERE AT XmasDolly’s Monday’s Music Moves Me! LET’S get this TRAIN ROCKIN’! We’re eager to greet you at the station & F-O-L-L-O-W U too! Just sign our linky & leave a cool comment & don’t forget to invite your musical friends too to have some musical fun with us! Our “HONORARY CONDUCTOR” gets the PRIVILEGE of pickin’ THEME 4 the entire month!  EVERY OTHER WEEK is still a FREEBIE & this week is just that a "FREEBIE", SO LET'S GET STARTED! Woo Hoo!

And as you know next week our new conductor will be the BIG MAN himself - SANTA CLAUSE!!! But the most important theme is the one I'd like to share with you now.

And back to Thanksgiving Thankful by The Juicebox Jukebox



  1. Great playlist, Marie. I did a little cleaning and got your sidebar back and your music to show. I don't know what you're doing, but you've got so much code that's unnecessary. I wish I could tell you how you're doing that, but right now I can't. I'll just swing by and fix it for you.

    Have a fabulous day and week, honey. Happy Thanksgiving. Love you. ♥

  2. Marie,

    I love long playlists like your first one - fabulous! Putting a challenge for folks to invite others to the dance party is a good idea but I'm afraid right now we may not get too many takers because of the holidays. I think most will be too busy to do much in Blogosphere. I know I find it difficult to get in gear but as long as there is music for me to listen to then that makes my days better. I hope you, Dave, and the family have a blessed Thanksgiving, my dear. Your friendship means so much to me and I want to thank you being my friend. :) ��

  3. Perry Como! He was a favorite of my parents, and I sat and watched enough of his TV shows. There's some wonderful videography in that video, too. "The Best Christmas Song" that was one impressive living nativity scene and the final song was fun. Wishing you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving, Marie!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving, and thanks for the great music!

  5. Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Love you sweetie. Big hugs. ♥
