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Sunday, July 30, 2023


MONDAY'S MUSIC MOVES ME! We’d like to get more folks on the dance floor. Our party has dwindled & I’m sure that’s largely due to bloggers coming and going in Blogosphere, but I’m going to set this challenge to ALL my readers PLEASE bring a friend & tell a friend to come on over and join our party & let’s all have the greatest boogie party ever! Have you asked anyone lately to attend the 4M party? We’d love to fill the dance floor to capacity! If you haven’t done so, then let me challenge you to hook at least one new person to come boogie with the crew & YOU! It’ll be a blast! WOO HOO! Also, please let us know when you do bring a friend, and you'll see we'll have a tiny reward for you! Woo Hoo!!! Don't forget - let us know! Our Head Conductors on this Musical run is XmasDolly & Cathy of Curious as a Cathy♥ with all her beautiful mewsic & friendship♥! My Co-Conductors (& BFF’s/love these gals) let me introduce U ♥:♥Stacy of Stacy Uncorked♥, Co-Conductor (my forever friend! ♥ , & Alana of Ramblin’ with AM, & a sweetie pie for sure! HI GIRLFRIENDS! ♥ DO U WANT 2 B A HONORARY CONDUCTOR & CHOOSE THEMES 4 THE MONTH U PICK, (except for freebie wks.) & comment on all blogs who sign in to our ROCK & ROLL JAM??? Let me know (OR 1 of our Conductors) if you’d like 2 give it a WHIRL! Just Email me @ xmasdolly at comcast dot net! This is your decision! No pressure & no waiting in line! It’s up to you! Let me know & YOU shall be given a month to SHINE that U pick except December cuz that’s reserved for SANTA, and his Christmas tunes! NOTHING, BUT FUN & ROCK & ROLL, HERE AT XmasDolly’s Monday’s Music Moves Me! This week is FREEBIE week & you know what that means!!! It's what ever your little ol' heart desires & proceed to PARTY with "Red Solo Cup by our friend Toby Keith & I hear he's doing really well since his operation!!! Now me personally we had quite a storm on Saturday evening & guess what I was playin'.... "KNOCK ON WOOD", by Ami Stewart!! WOO HOO! LET'S BOOGIE... Lately, Steve Perry has been talk of the town because he wants to come back and I wish him luck. His voice goes down in history, and I happen to find this song on you tube. Hope you like it as much as I did. It's called "NO ERASIN' That was cool, and by the way if you would like to talk to Mr. Perry he's now on facebook. Anyway, to get on with the show (so to speak) I found a kinda cool song from Bruce Springstein called, "Tougher than the rest"! Hope you like it too... Okay, that's it for today! Have a great week & thanks for the dances to you all! Now don't forget invite whoever you want (as long as they too post music... Have a great week and tomorrow is AUGUST??? What happened to June & July... oh my goodness.. time sure does fly when you're having fun! Take care my friends & see you in blogland!!! SAVE ME A DANCE!!! WOO HOO! I'M READY... HOW ABOUT U!!!!


  1. Replies
    1. Totally, totally AWESOME post you did this week! Thank you for stopping by and sharing!!! Have a great week!

  2. Marie,

    Good job and great song picks! I truly enjoyed the new to me Steve Perry song. His voice is still awesome! I hope he makes a giant splash in his come back or maybe he never went away? Have a boogietastic week, dear friend!

  3. Great choices. A fun playlist.

    Have a fabulous day and week, Marie. Love you. ♥

  4. Great songs and who has not drunk out of a red cup:). The Springsteen song is great

  5. Keith’s video and song were so much fun, but this week’s winner was Bruce. His was better than all the rest.

  6. Those were good tunes, we enjoyed them!

  7. Great post had me smiling and happy 😁💜

  8. Interesting collection! I espeially liked the video for "Knock On Wood," kind of like old computer graphics. Nice goin'!
